Halloween Haunted House Help! Poster

SMCC Fliers For Haunted House
SMCC Fliers For Haunted House
Halloween Haunted House Help Flier

This was suppose to be the flier that was going to be hung around campus for the Haunted House Committee, but the Haunted House ended up canceling due to problems i won’t specify online. None the less, this was made as one of the concept ideas originally for the Damnationland 2015, but was scraped for the Lighthouse idea. I bleeped out the contact information on purpose since i highly doubt at this point since Haunted House is canceled that anyone wouldn’t need to get into contact with them now.

SMCC Halloween Movie Night Poster 2015

Movie Night Poster for SMCC
Movie Night Poster for SMCC
SMCC Halloween Movie Night Poster

I originally had this made for Damnationland 2015 for the campus to use, but then when I was notified by my boss that they had put up their own posters up four weeks in the semester, I had to use this poster for something else. So, why not Halloween Movie Night Poster that was going to be on campus!

This design was based on the Hitchcock images and posters that were for his movies and films.

By the way, I’m aware the date for Monday night is wrong.

Senior Portfolio: Week 4, Writing Prompt: Lemons

Senior Port. Image

Elisabeth Roscoe


Kate Sibole

Senior Portfolio

#4 Writing Prompt:  Lemons

Is there another passion you’ve always had? Now that you almost have your SMCC career behind you, what would YOU do if you were “handed lemons”?

I have more than one passion; I’ve been good at comedy, acting, crafts, and cooking. I’ve always had the talent to make people laugh as well as act out scenes from movies, or even do both comedy and acting at the same time when it was funny enough. The crafts were somewhat of a hobby that I did on the side or for projects assigned by me from teachers. Cooking was just a regular thing to do on a daily bases so cooking breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner, and deserts was just normal practice.

Now, if I have had been “handed lemons” I would first get some sugar and water to make lemonade out of them. Well, essentially that was you were supposed to do, but in my case, I would start working on making more speedpaints on a better system, and also get more adobe programs on my laptop to start making animations/or storyboards for to tell my own series and tales that I want to make and post them online. I would also like to get started on making an Anime Review show that would talk about different anime’s while having fun with it, but also be bringing a lot of good points that should be realized in this type of media. This would require an actual camera to record myself talking about the anime as well as buying the actual anime to watch so I can talk about it.

I would like to do commissions of drawings or designs for money, but also because I like creating things as well. Granted I would have to be paid to do their drawings, and I might have them pay extra if they would like me to do a speedpaint of what they want/buy me to draw. I would draw characters, design logos, posters, title cards, character concepts and such. I could do a lot if I was given the right lemons to make lemonade, both metaphorically and physically speaking.

Senior Portfolio: Week 6, Project Managment Outline

Senior Port. Image

SeniorPortfolio_ProjectManagmentOutline_WeeklySchedual This Image is basically an overall summary of how I plan on scheduling out my weekdays regularly, but also showing the basic outline on the days that i’ll have time to work on my Project Outline for the Jobfair coming up this December. So any date that has “HW/IncludesWork” will be the moments I’ll be working and preparing myself for the event.

SeniorPortfolio_ProjectManagmentOutline_PreparationForFair This image is a rough summary of what I will be busy preparing for before the Jobfair happens. I have quite a bit of things to work on but that is what working and preparing is all about!

Senior Portfolio: Week 6, The Inspired Life

Senior Port. Image

Elisabeth Roscoe


Kate Sibole

Senior Portfolio

Writing Prompt: The Inspired Life

  • How do you get inspired?
  • Which artist, designer, filmmaker featured in Beautiful Losers are you most drawn to and why?
  • What were some of the Thesis Statements they made?

I get inspired by the things around me and what I make of them after processing what I’ve taken in. What I mean by this is that sometimes inspiration doesn’t strike me in an instant, sometimes I have to think about what I’ve seen of what I want to work on for an amount of time before that spark kicks in. Sometimes it is immediate and I just start doodling ideas as fast and as detailed as I can, but if I know that I want to do something with an idea but I have nothing to go on, I have to pause and let myself think it over (whether or not it takes a few minutes, a few hours, or even a few weeks) before coming up with inspiration on what I want to do with my ideas. What can inspire me could be from music, art, quotes, or even a random objects or subject matters that can help with the start of an idea or even build on what I am inspired to do, but like stated before; It’s not alwayse immediate.

The artist from Beautiful Losers that drew me in the most would have to be Margaret Kilgallen, The Street Artist. I feel like despite all of the people who have been shown on this video, this was the person I got the most connection out of because of her attitude and her nature towards her work. She felt like she liked it and was compelled to continue working and making art even on day when she didn’t want to. She mentions how she never completely makes a straight line, it wavers when you look at her artwork close up and I get that. You aren’t ever going to make a straight line 100% perfect line most of the time when drawing or painting of sketching by hand, and its right to have it be not so perfect because its more organic knowing that it’s a beautiful artwork despite not having such perfect lines or curves.

Some of the statements she spoke of were “Most of the things that inspire my artwork are folk-art of some kind. American folk-art, I’m also interested in Indian folk-art.” “When I first started painting seriously, I use to look at a lot of Typography from like the 16 century. And the color of the inks that they used were normally black and red and sometimes blue” “The thing that really fascinated me about the trains is that it’s very much about folklore. We see huge variety of markings which there is really, really old ones and there- theres so much history there. It’s something that has been happening ever since trains were around and it is still happening to this day- in the present- and yet when you look at it looks like folklore.”